Sunday, February 26, 2017

Lord Banjo says, "The Nose Knows"

Here in Atlanta, we just endured a February heat wave. Yup, on February 25, we broke a record when temps hit 78⁰.  For some reason, the humans were happy about the weather and could be found frolicking in shorts and tank tops. Since I can’t unzip my fuzzy suit, warm weather is not my thing.

OK, a brief rise into the high 70’s isn’t all that hot, and at least it wasn’t humid.  But, take a gander at this weather headline: “Warm winter bad news for allergy sufferers.” Why?  Because the pollen count is way up.  Unfortunately, I’m allergic to a few things, and one of them is pollen.

Mum knew right away the pollen was high because she saw me rubbing my nose on my dog beds.  I get itchy all over, not just on my nose, but all the way up and down my body. Unless I start my daily dose of Benadryl, I’ll soon be rubbing my royal body all along the side of Mum and Dad’s bed, and chewing and scratching. I hate those little pink pills, but I guess it beats the rash I get without them.

I wonder whether my royal ancestors suffered the indignity of having pills shoved down their throats. I liked it much better when Mum packed my pills in peanut butter, that is until she discovered I’m allergic to that too, along with tuna and potatoes.

Because it was cooler today, I briefly enjoyed lying in the sun while Mum and Dad worked in the yard, but I was ready to go back in long before they were.  Dad made some uncomplimentary remarks about my manhood when I barked to go inside, but he doesn’t get it.  I know my limits, and my shiny black coat was fast becoming dusty, a sure sign the “itchies” would follow.

I wonder whether this royal dog can banish pollen? If not, I think I'll decree that all pills be buried in hamburgers. Hamburgers and pills—now that’s a grand combination.

Lord Banjo is happy to receive fan mail in his royal mailbox.

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