Wow! Who knew there was a National Love Your Pet
Day? I sure didn’t, but then Lord Banjo
is loved each and every day. Do humans really need to be reminded to love their
pets? If so, then I’m a lucky boy, ‘cause my Royal parents love me all the
time. And, I’m such a sweet boy, I even share the love with Princess Puddin’.
Love Your
Pet Day just happens to come in the same month as my birthday−all the more
reason to love me double in February. Hmmm. Seems
like there should be something extra special the Royal parents could do for
me. Nope, it’s not a trip to the Royal
groomers. Mum seems to enjoy that much
more than I do. Though, perhaps if I’m
extra clean, she’d let me get on the bed. Puddin’
gets up there most nights, sometimes even under the covers. What gives?

Still, no
encouragement forthcoming. Must I issue a royal decree to get some attention
here? What’s that I hear? I already get baths, daily walks, dental chewies, and an occasional
biscuit. Who thinks that’s enough?
Oh, belly rubs too? Why didn’t you
say belly rubs right off? Come to think
of it; belly rubs may be all the love Lord
Banjo requires.
Yes! Did you
see my paw pump? Shower me with belly rubs, and I’ll be a happy camper. And I, Lord
Banjo, hereby
decree that every day shall be Love Your
Pet Day for all pets throughout the land!
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