Friday, March 29, 2013

Why Not?

The Ink Penn was born of a passion for writing.  In my thirty year corporate career, I've always ended up being the communication queen no matter my actual job title.  Guess that degree in English has paid off after all.   While reading our community newspaper about a year ago, I had an idea for a series of articles highlighting all the connections I'd made by reading the paper. I pictured the series as a way to promote local businesses, and goodness knows that back then with the economy in dire straits, both the paper and the businesses needed support.  When I pitched the idea to the editor, he saw it as column and thus began my side job writing a twice monthly column for The Dunwoody Crier. I'm enjoying the writing so much that I'm looking for another outlet.

So, why not a blog? Just because a gazillion folks are blogging is no reason I can't too.   I journal every day, well almost every day, and I find it's useful in capturing early morning thoughts that I'd otherwise lose.  The idea for the Crier Connections column first came to life in my journal, and wondering about doing a blog is in there too. Honestly, these days, things disappear from my brain as quickly as they enter it, so writing down my thoughts has been a good habit to get into to.

I jot down ideas for my column, and now I can do the same for my blog.  Hopefully, someone out there will find my meanderings entertaining and perhaps even thought provoking.

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