Are there
more and more and articles about aging lately, or do I notice them more because
I am, gulp, aging? Perhaps the number of articles is
increasing because the baby boomers are in their 60s and 70s, and there are so
many of us.

I laughed
when I realized that older folks didn’t want to return to their 20’s or even
their 30’s. Does that mean that none of those
surveyed wanted to return to the age when they may have thought they knew it
all but didn’t? The age of partying, searching for the right career, or
just a job fresh out of college? On the other hand, the younger crowd wanted to
remain in their 20’s, maybe because 20 somethings see 30 as old.
One thing
most agreed on is that no one wants to look or feel old. I liked the response
from one person who said he’d like to keep the wisdom he has at 60 but have the
body he had when he was in his 30’s.
That makes sense to me. I don’t want to give up what I’ve learned, but I
wish I could work out, bicycle, and more without tiring out so quickly and
without some of my increased aches and pains. And I’d love to have the skin I
had in my 30s, but not if I have to trade what I’ve learned as I’ve gotten
I also want
to keep the schedule I have now. Gone
are the days of working 50-60 hours a week in corporate America. Admittedly, at
times that schedule was rewarding, even fun. Other times, it was highly stressful,
particularly the few years I worked for a boss I just couldn’t please.
These days,
I work out in the mornings several days a week, just as I did before I retired.
What I don’t do is head downstairs to get my cup of coffee and immediately head
to my desk to start working. Now, I grab the newspaper and take that cup of
coffee to my easy chair where I peruse the local news before shifting to my
tablet to read the WSJ and maybe play a few rounds of Words with Friends. When I’m not
off to the gym, I go to my desk to write and catch up on email. Yes, life is good.
The last paragraph of the article had me smiling and nodding my head in agreement even though I'm not yet part of the age group cited. "People at 65 to 74, the so-called time affluent, reported having more fun than any other age group, according to a 2016 study of 3,712 adults 25 and older released by Age Wave and Merrill Lynch. The ones having the least fun were those ages 35 to 54."
What age would you choose as the perfect age?
Let me know what you think by emailing me at
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